Millers Oils - Super Two Stroke
Millers Oils
Product Description
High quality Two Stroke oil with the latest ashless performance additives.
APPLICATION:Dilute with petrol in the ratio prescribed by the equipment manufacturer (typical petrol/oil ratio is 50:1).
USER BENEFITS:• The latest ashless formulation ensures conformity with the National Marine• Manufacturers Association (NMMA) requirements to TC-W3 for large outboard engines.
• Minimum pre-ignition and spark plug fouling.
• Reduced piston, exhaust port and system deposits.
• The high quality formulation leads to low emission levels to protect the environment.
• No tendency to form gel (blocking filters) when contaminated with ash containing oils.
• Suitable for lower output marine 2 cycle engines.
TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS:• Specific Gravity (at 15°C) 0.89
• Kinematic Viscosity (at 100°C, cSt) 16.3
• Color Appearance Odor Blue
• TBN (mg KOH/gm) 2.3
If in doubt, consult with our partner shop, RPR Automotive at 410-589-3966.